Blog Inspirasi Digital

Blog Inspirasi Digital

Tutorial Blog, Configurasi dan Tips Inspirasi Digital

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Create Vlan di GPON Huawei dengan CLI

Create VLAN
1. Membuat VLAN Active:
    GPON_Huawei(config)#vlan 1000 smart
2. Memberikan Deskripsi (Penamaan) Terhadap VLAN yang yang dibuat:
    GPON_Huawei(config)#vlan desc 1000 description "TEST_Create_VLAN_Access"
3. Tag Vlan yang dibuat ke Frame/Slot/Port untuk Uplink:
    GPON_Huawei(config)#port vlan 1000 0/6 0
4. Membuat dba-profile
    GPON_Huawei(config)#dba-profile add profile-id 100 profile-name "UPTO-100Mbps" type4 max 102400
5. Membuat Table Traffic seperti untuk Limit Bandwith:
GPON_Huawei(config)#traffic table ip index 100 name "ip-traffic-table-100Mb" cir 102400 cbs 3278800 pir 102400 pbs 3278800 priority 0 priority-policy local-setting
traffic table ip index 100 = Nomor Index yang dibuat identik dengan besaran Limit Bandwith 100Mbps (Nomor index tidak harus sama dengan Limit tapi untuk memudahkan saja)
name "ip-traffic-table-100Mb" = Deskripsi atau Penamaan
cir 102400 = Committed Information Rate atau Besaran Limit Bandwith dalam kbps
cbs 3278800 = Commited Burst Size dengan besaran Byte yang ditentukan dengan formula: (2000+cir X 32)
pir 102400 = Peak Information Rate, Parameter ini Opsional. Besaran bisa sesuai dengan cir atau 2 kali lipatnya
pbs 3278800 = Peak Burst Size, dengan besaran Byte yang ditentukan dengan formula: (2000+pir X 32)
6. Register ONT baru di GPON OLT:
a. GPON_Huawei(config)#display ont autofind all
b. GPON_Huawei(config)#ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 1000 profile-name "TEST_Create_VLAN_Access"
  tcont 1 dba-profile-id 100
  gem add 0 eth tcont 1
  gem mapping 0 0 vlan 1000
c. GPON_Huawei(config)#interface gpon 0/0
GPON_Huawei(config-if-gpon-0/0)#ont add 7 4 sn-auth "4857544345130C6A" omci ont-lineprofile-id 1000
ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc "TEST_Create_VLAN_Access"
d. *Ini untuk Konfigurasi Access, Jika ingin dirubah menjadi QinQ maka Konfigurasi ini tidak dibutuhkan*
GPON_Huawei(config)#interface gpon 0/0
BDG-KCO-OLT(config-if-gpon-0/0)#ont port native-vlan 7 4 eth 1 vlan 1000 priority 0
7. Memasang Limit Bandwith dan Tag ke Vlan dan Frame/Slot/Port
GPON_Huawei(config)#service-port 1000 vlan 1000 gpon 0/0/7 ont 4 gemport 0 multi-service user-vlan 1000 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 100 outbound traffic-table index 100
Jika ingin merubah Mode menjad Trunk All maka ditambahkan other-all:
GPON_Huawei(config)#service-port 1000 vlan 1000 gpon 0/0/7 ont 7 gemport 0 multi-service user-vlan 
other-all tag-transform default inbound traffic-table index 50 outbound
traffic-table index 50
1. Config diatas untuk mode Access
2. Step Reconfigure (hapus dan config lagi) ont-lineprofile:
    a. undo service-port (index & vlan)
    b. ont delete port
    c. undo ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id
3. untuk merubah menjadi mode QinQ:
    a. tidak memakai ont port native-vlan 2 3 eth 1 vlan 1000 priority 2
4. untuk merubah menjadi mode Trunk All: di service-port menggunakan "other-all" 
5. untuk upgrade dan downgrade bandwith di OLT:
    a. undo service-port vlan trus create lagi service-port vlan dan rubah inbound traffic dan outbound traffic
    b. di ont-lineprofile rubah dba-profile-id
Sekian dan terima kasih

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Cara Register ONT Huawei

Berikut cara registrasi ONT (Optik Network Terminal) untuk OLT Huawei
Huawei Integrated Access Software (MA5600T).
Copyright(C) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2002-2013. All rights reserved.

GPON>enable  => untuk masuk ke user privilige
GPON#display ont autofind all  =>> untuk menemukan ont yang belum teregistrasi
   Number              : 1
   F/S/P               : 0/5/10 =>> data port dan slot ONT
   Ont SN              : 48575443316CBD9A (HWTC-316CBD9A)
   Password            : 0x00000000000000000000
   Loid                : 
   Checkcode           : 
   VendorID            : HWTC
   Ont Version         : BE9.E
   Ont SoftwareVersion : V3R017C10S105
   Ont EquipmentID     : HG8245H
   Ont Customized Info : 
   Ont autofind time   : 2018-10-04 10:43:53+08:00
Untuk melihat data ONT yg sudah di register di port dan slot yg sama dengan cara sbb

GPON(config)#display current-configuration port 0/5/10

 interface gpon 0/5
 port 10 ont-auto-find enable
 ont add 10 0 sn-auth "485754437823EB70" omci ont-lineprofile-id 2 
ont-srvprofile-id 4 desc "485754437823EB70" 
 ont alarm-profile 10 0 profile-id 1

tekan enter sampai muncul tanda GPON# paling ujung
setelah kita mengetahui data register ont terakhir dengan contoh :

ont add 10 20 sn-auth "485754437823EB50" omci ont-lineprofile-id 2 
ont-srvprofile-id 4 desc "485754437823EB50" 

angka 10 sebagai data port ont
angka 20 senagai data registrasi ont
ont-lineProfile id 2 sebagai data profile register ont
ont-servprofile sebagai data profile port di ont

kita lanjutkan cara register ONT nya sebagai berikut:

1. Pastikan data ont yg akan di register (sn ont dan data register terakhir)
2. Kita pastikan kebutuhan layanan yg akan digunakan misalkan ont tersebut akan di gunakan untuk layanan data / Inetrnet, maka kita cari profile yg sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. (contoh : VPN, Astinet, Metro)
3. Pilih profile ONT dan SRV ont yg sesuai dengan kebutuhan dengan cata sebagai berikut

GPON#display ont-lineprofile gpon all
  Profile-ID  Profile-name                                Binding times
  0           line-profile_default_0                      4            
  1           DATA_CONNECTION                             2            
  2           INDIHOME                                    2029         
  3           INDIHOME_WIFI                               1            

untuk melihat detile profilenya sbb:

GPON#display ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 1
  Profile-ID          :1
  Profile-name        :DATA_CONNECTION
  Access-type         :GPON
  FEC upstream switch :Disable 
  OMCC encrypt switch :Off
  Qos mode            :PQ
  Mapping mode        :VLAN
  TR069 management    :Disable
  TR069 IP index      :0
            DBA Profile-ID:6
   |Serv-Type:ETH |Encrypt:off |Cascade:off |GEM-CAR:-            |
   |Upstream-priority-queue:0  |Downstream-priority-queue:-       |
    Mapping VLAN  Priority Port    Port  Bundle  Flow  Transparent
    index                  type    ID    ID      CAR   
    0       355   -        -       -     -       -     -          
    1       350  -        -       -     -       -     -          
   |Serv-Type:ETH |Encrypt:off |Cascade:off |GEM-CAR:-            |
   |Upstream-priority-queue:0  |Downstream-priority-queue:-       |
    Mapping VLAN  Priority Port    Port  Bundle  Flow  Transparent
    index                  type    ID    ID      CAR   
    0       351  -        -       -     -       -     -          

GPON#display ont-srvprofile gpon all
  Profile-ID  Profile-name                                Binding times
  0           srv-profile_default_0                       130          
  1           SP_HG8447                                   1            
  2           HG8245A                                     37           
  3           SP_HG8245                                   38           
  4           SP_HG8245A                                  3191         

Untuk melihat detile nya sebegai berikut : 
GPON#display ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 2
  Profile-ID  : 2
  Profile-name: HG8245A
  Access-type : GPON
  Port-type     Port-number     Max-adaptive-number
  POTS          2               -
  ETH           4               -
  VDSL          0               -
  TDM           0               -
  MOCA          0               -
  CATV          0               -
  TDM port type                     : E1
  TDM service type                  : TDMoGem
  MAC learning function switch      : Enable
  ONT transparent function switch   : Disable
  Ring check switch                 : Disable
  Ring port auto-shutdown           : Enable
  Ring detect frequency             : 8 (pps)
  Ring resume interval              : 300 (s)
  Multicast forward mode            : Unconcern
  Multicast forward VLAN            : -
  Multicast mode                    : Unconcern
  Upstream IGMP packet forward mode : Unconcern
  Upstream IGMP packet forward VLAN : -
  Upstream IGMP packet priority     : -
  Native VLAN option                : Concern
  Upstream PQ color policy          : -
  Downstream PQ color policy        : -
  Monitor link                      : Unconcern
  MTU(byte)                         : Unconcern
  Port-type Port-ID QinQmode  PriorityPolicy Inbound     Outbound
  ETH       1       unconcern unconcern      unconcern   unconcern
  ETH       2       unconcern unconcern      unconcern   unconcern
  ETH       3       unconcern unconcern      unconcern   unconcern
  ETH       4       unconcern unconcern      unconcern   unconcern
  Notes: Run the display traffic table ip command to query 
         traffic table configuration
  Port-type Port-ID  DownstreamMode  MismatchPolicy
  ETH             1  operation       discard       
  ETH             2  operation       discard       
  ETH             3  operation       discard       
  ETH             4  operation       discard       
  Port-type Port-ID Dscp-mapping-table-index Classification-profile-id
  ETH       1       0                        -        
  ETH       2       0                        -        
  ETH       3       0                        -        
  ETH       4       0                        -        
  IPHOST    1       0                        -
  Port-type  Port-ID    IGMP-mode         IGMP-VLAN  IGMP-PRI  Max-MAC-Count
  ETH              1    -                         -         -      Unlimited
  ETH              2    -                         -         -      Unlimited
  ETH              3    -                         -         -      Unlimited
  ETH              4    -                         -         -      Unlimited

4. Setelah kita mengetahui profile yg akan kita gunakan, kemudian kita registerkan ONT nya :

GPON(config)#interface gpon 0/5

kemudian coppy paste data yg sudah kita buat tadi contoh sbb:

ont add 10 21 sn-auth "48575443316CBD9A" omci ont-lineprofile-id 1 
ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc "48575443316CBD9A | Nama Customer" 

Ket : 
angka 10 sebagai data port 
angka 21 sebagai data register ONT
angka 1 di ont-profile register ont
angka 3 di ont-srvprofile sebagai data profile port di ont

setelah kita reistrasikan data tersebut kita dapan memastikan apakah data ont sudah berhasil kita register dengan command sbb:

GPON#display current-configuration port  0/5/10

nah disini akan muncul data yg sudah di registrasi di slot dan port tersebut.
===Untuk menghapus ont tersebut====

GPON0(config-if-gpon-0/5)#ont delete 10 21
Number of ONTs that can be deleted: 1, success: 1

Demikian cara regstrasi ONT Huawei utuk kali ini, untuk cara penambahan Vlan layanan akan di bahas di artikel selanjutnya.


Saturday 26 November 2016

Configurasi Gpon Huawei Part II

XGPON--AGGREGATOR(config)#dba-profile add profile-id 143 profile-name "voip" type1 fix 1024 bandwidth_compensate no
XGPON--AGGREGATOR(config)#dba-profile add profile-id 143 profile-name "speedy_1mbps" type3 assure 512 max 1536

keterangan :
-utk layanan voip menggunakan type1 ( fix) & speedy dll menggunakan type3 (assure).

XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#display current-configuration section gl 
{ || }:
          display current-configuration section gl 
[MA5600V800R013: 3910]
  ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 3 profile-name "SP_HG8245A"  -----------------------> service profile sdh di create ( ini yg kita pakai ).
  ont-port pots 2 eth 4 
  multicast-forward untag
  port vlan eth 1 translation 111 user-vlan 111
  port vlan eth 4 translation 111 user-vlan 111

XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 4 profile-name "ONT_SP_HG8245A"
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-gpon-srvprofile-4)#ont-port pots 2 eth 4
{ |catv|moca|tdm-srvtype|tdm-type|tdm|vdsl }:
          ont-port pots 2 eth 4 
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-gpon-srvprofile-4)#multicast-forward untag 
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-gpon-srvprofile-4)#port vlan eth 4 translation 111 user-vlan 111
{ |prival<0>|TLS|user-encap }:
          port vlan eth 4 translation 111 user-vlan 111 
  Set ONT port(s) VLAN configuration, success: 1, failed: 0

XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#undo ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 4 

XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#display current-configuration        
{ |ont|port|section|service-port|simple|| }:

          display current-configuration 
[MA5600V800R013: 3910]
ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 1 profile-name "ONT1-BISPARK-BLOK57"
  tcont 2 dba-profile-id 113
  tcont 3 dba-profile-id 125
  tcont 4 dba-profile-id 130
  gem add 2 eth tcont 2
  gem add 3 eth tcont 3
  gem add 4 eth tcont 4
  gem mapping 2 0 vlan 841
  gem mapping 3 0 vlan 3801
  gem mapping 4 0 vlan 111
 ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 2 profile-name "ONT2-BISPARK-BLOK57"
  tcont 2 dba-profile-id 113
  tcont 3 dba-profile-id 125
  tcont 4 dba-profile-id 130
  gem add 2 eth tcont 2
  gem add 3 eth tcont 3
  gem add 4 eth tcont 4              
  gem mapping 2 0 vlan 841
  gem mapping 3 0 vlan 3801
  gem mapping 4 0 vlan 111
      --- sampai dengan ---

 ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 7 profile-name "ONT2-BISPARK-HILHAM"
  tcont 2 dba-profile-id 113
  tcont 3 dba-profile-id 125
  tcont 4 dba-profile-id 130
  gem add 2 eth tcont 2
  gem add 3 eth tcont 3
  gem add 4 eth tcont 4
  gem mapping 2 0 vlan 841
  gem mapping 3 0 vlan 3801
  gem mapping 4 0 vlan 111


keterangan :
 - index profile-id terakhir di angka 7 ( profile-id index lebih baik unik/tdk sama ).
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 8 profile-name "COBA"
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-gpon-lineprofile-8)#tcont 2 dba-profile-id 113
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-gpon-lineprofile-8)#tcont 3 dba-profile-id 125
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-gpon-lineprofile-8)#tcont 4 dba-profile-id 130
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-gpon-lineprofile-8)#gem add 2 eth tcont 2
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-gpon-lineprofile-8)#gem add 3 eth tcont 3
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-gpon-lineprofile-8)#gem add 4 eth tcont 4
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-gpon-lineprofile-8)#gem mapping 2 0 vlan 841
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-gpon-lineprofile-8)#gem mapping 3 0 vlan 3801
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-gpon-lineprofile-8)#gem mapping 4 0 vlan 111
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#display current-configuration section gl 
{ || }:
          display current-configuration section gl 
[MA5600V800R013: 3910]
ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 8 profile-name "COBA"  -------> ont-lineprofile untuk COBA sdh di create.
  tcont 2 dba-profile-id 113
  tcont 3 dba-profile-id 125
  tcont 4 dba-profile-id 130
  gem add 2 eth tcont 2
  gem add 3 eth tcont 3
  gem add 4 eth tcont 4
  gem mapping 2 0 vlan 841
  gem mapping 3 0 vlan 3801
  gem mapping 4 0 vlan 111
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#display ont autofind all
Number              : 1
F/S/P               : 0/1/0
Ont SN              : 485754437474CE28
Password            : 0x00000000000000000000
Loid                :
Checkcode           :
VendorID            : HWTC
Ont Version         : 323.A
Ont SoftwareVersion : V3R012C00S101
Ont EquipmentID     : 245A
Ont autofind time   : 2014-08-27 17:03:48+08:00
The number of GPON autofind ONT is 1

XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#display ont info 0 all
  F/S/P   ONT         SN         Control     Run      Config   Match    Protect
          ID                     flag        state    state    state    side 
  0/ 1/0    0  485754437474CE28  active      online   normal   normal   no     
  0/ 1/0    1  485754437477AD28  active      online   normal   match    no 
  0/ 1/0    2  4857544374764428  active      online   normal   match    no 
  F/S/P   ONT-ID   Description
  0/ 1/0       0   ONT_XGPON_ATP_TEST                                          
  0/ 1/0       1   ONT1-
  0/ 1/0       2   ONT2-
  In port 0/ 1/0 , the total of ONTs are: 3, online: 3
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#interface gpon 0/1
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/1)#ont add 0 3 sn-auth "485754437474CE28" omci ont-lineprofile-id 8 ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc "COBA"
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/1)#ont port native-vlan 0 3 eth 4 vlan 111 priority 0 ( khusus untk yg berlangganan USEeTV )
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#display ont info 0 all
  F/S/P   ONT         SN         Control     Run      Config   Match    Protect
          ID                     flag        state    state    state    side 
  0/ 1/0    0  485754437474CE28  active      online   normal   normal   no     
  0/ 1/0    1  485754437477AD28  active      online   normal   match    no 
  0/ 1/0    2  4857544374764428  active      online   normal   match    no 
  0/ 1/0    3  485754437474CE28  active      online   normal   match    no
  F/S/P   ONT-ID   Description
  0/ 1/0       0   ONT_XGPON_ATP_TEST                                          
  0/ 1/0       1   ONT1-
  0/ 1/0       2   ONT2-
  0/ 1/0       3   COBA
  In port 0/ 1/0 , the total of ONTs are: 4, online: 4

XGPON-AGGREGATOR#display current-configuration 
{ |ont|port|section|service-port|simple|| }:

          display current-configuration 
[MA5600V800R013: 3910]
 interface gpon 0/1
 port 0 ont-auto-find enable
 port 1 ont-auto-find enable         
 port 2 ont-auto-find enable
 port 3 ont-auto-find enable
 port 4 ont-auto-find enable
 port 5 ont-auto-find enable
 port 6 ont-auto-find enable
 port 7 ont-auto-find enable
 ont add 0 0 sn-auth "485754437477AD28" omci ont-lineprofile-id 6 
ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc "ONT1-BISPARK-HILHAM" 
 ont add 0 1 sn-auth "4857544374764428" omci ont-lineprofile-id 7 
ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc "ONT2-BISPARK-HILHAM" 
 ont add 0 2 sn-auth "4857544374735828" omci ont-lineprofile-id 3 
ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc "ONT1-BISPARK-BLOK57" 
 ont add 0 3 sn-auth "485754437474CE28" omci ont-lineprofile-id 8 
ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc "COBA" 
ont port native-vlan 0 3 eth 4 vlan 111 priority 0

XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#display traffic table ip from-index 0
{ |to-index }:

          display traffic table ip from-index 0 
   TID CIR      CBS      PIR      PBS      Pri Copy-policy         Pri-Policy
       (kbps)   (bytes)  (kbps)   (bytes)
     0 1024     34768    2048     69536      6 -                      tag-pri
     1 2496     81872    4992     163744     6 -                      tag-pri
     2 512      18384    1024     36768      0 -                      tag-pri
     3 576      20432    1152     40864      2 -                      tag-pri
     4 64       4048     128      8096       4 -                      tag-pri
     5 2048     67536    4096     135072     0 -                      tag-pri
     6 off      off      off      off        0 -                      tag-pri
     7 64       4048     64       4048       0 -                    local-pri
     8 128      6096     128      6096       0 -                    local-pri
     9 192      8144     192      8144       0 -                    local-pri
    10 256      10192    256      10192      0 -                    local-pri
    11 320      12240    320      12240      0 -                    local-pri
    12 384      14288    384      14288      0 -                    local-pri
    13 448      16336    448      16336      0 -                    local-pri
    14 512      18384    512      18384      0 -                    local-pri
    15 576      20432    576      20432      0 -                    local-pri
    16 640      22480    640      22480      0 -                    local-pri
    17 704      24528    704      24528      0 -                    local-pri
    18 768      26576    768      26576      0 -                    local-pri
    19 832      28624    832      28624      0 -                    local-pri
    20 896      30672    896      30672      0 -                    local-pri
    21 960      32720    960      32720      0 -                    local-pri
    22 1024     34768    1024     34768      0 -                    local-pri
    23 2048     67536    2048     67536      0 -                    local-pri
    24 3072     100304   3072     100304     0 -                    local-pri
    25 4096     133072   4096     133072     0 -                    local-pri
    26 5120     165840   5120     165840     0 -                    local-pri
    27 6144     198608   12352    198608     0 -                    local-pri
    28 7168     231376   7168     231376     0 -                    local-pri
    29 8192     264144   8192     264144     0 -                    local-pri
    30 9216     296912   9216     296912     0 -                    local-pri
    31 10240    329680   10240    329680     0 -                    local-pri
    32 20480    657360   20480    657360     0 -                    local-pri
    33 30720    985040   30720    985040     0 -                    local-pri
    34 40960    1312720  40960    1312720    0 -                    local-pri
    35 51200    1640400  51200    1640400    0 -                    local-pri
    36 61440    1968080  61440    1968080    0 -                    local-pri
    37 71680    2295760  71680    2295760    0 -                    local-pri
    38 81920    2623440  81920    2623440    0 -                    local-pri
    39 92160    2951120  92160    2951120    0 -                    local-pri
    40 102400   3278800  102400   3278800    0 -                    local-pri
    41 1536     3536     1536     3536       0 -                    local-pri
  Total Num : 42                     

keterangan : 
- Create trafic-table :

XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#traffic table ip index 7 name "BW_64_Kbps" cir 64 cbs 4048 pir 64 pbs 4048 color-mode color-blind priority 0 priority-policy local-setting

rumus mencari pbs/cbs :
-cir X 32 + 2000
-64 X 32 + 2000 = 4048

XGPON-AGGREGATOR#display current-configuration section bb
{ || }:

          display current-configuration section bb 
[MA5600V800R013: 3910]
service-port 1 vlan 3801 gpon 0/1/0 ont 0 gemport 3 multi-service user-vlan 3801 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 6 outbound traffic-table index 6 
service-port 2 vlan 841 gpon 0\/1/0 ont 0 gemport 2 multi-service user-vlan 841 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 22 outbound traffic-table  index 22
service-port 3 vlan 3801 gpon 0/1/0 ont 1 gemport 3 multi-service user-vlan 3801 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 6 outbound traffic-table index 6 
service-port 4 vlan 841 gpon 0/1/0 ont 1 gemport 2 multi-service user-vlan 841 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 22 outbound traffic-table  index 22
service-port 5 vlan 3801 gpon 0/1/0 ont 2 gemport 3 multi-service user-vlan 3801 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 6 outbound traffic-table index 6 
service-port 6 vlan 841 gpon 0/1/0 ont 2 gemport 2 multi-service user-vlan 841 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 22 outbound traffic-table  index 22

keterangan : index service-port terahir di angka 6.

XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#service-port 7 vlan 3801 gpon 0/1/0 ont 3 gemport 3 multi-service user-vlan 3801 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table 
                                  index 6 outbound traffic-table index 6
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#service-port 8 vlan 841 gpon 0/1/0 ont 3 gemport 3 multi-service user-vlan 841 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table 
                                  index 22 outbound traffic-table index 22
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#service-port 9 vlan 111 gpon 0/1/0 ont 3 gemport 4 multi-service user-vlan 111 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table 
                                  index 24 outbound traffic-table index 24

XGPON-AGGREGATOR#display current-configuration section bb
{ || }:

          display current-configuration section bb 
[MA5600V800R013: 3910]
service-port 1 vlan 3801 gpon 0/1/0 ont 0 gemport 3 multi-service user-vlan 3801 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 6 outbound traffic-table index 6 
service-port 2 vlan 841 gpon 0/1/0 ont 0 gemport 2 multi-service user-vlan 841 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 22 outbound traffic-table  index 22
service-port 3 vlan 3801 gpon 0/1/0 ont 1 gemport 3 multi-service user-vlan 3801 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 6 outbound traffic-table index 6 
service-port 4 vlan 841 gpon 0/1/0 ont 1 gemport 2 multi-service user-vlan 841 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 22 outbound traffic-table  index 22
service-port 5 vlan 3801 gpon 0/1/0 ont 2 gemport 3 multi-service user-vlan 3801 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 6 outbound traffic-table index 6 
service-port 6 vlan 841 gpon 0/1/0 ont 2 gemport 2 multi-service user-vlan 841 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 22 outbound traffic-table  index 22
service-port 7 vlan 3801 gpon 0/1/0 ont 3 gemport 3 multi-service user-vlan 3801 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table Index 6 outbound traffic-table index 6
service-port 8 vlan 841 gpon 0/1/0 ont 3 gemport 3 multi-service user-vlan 841 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 22 outbound traffic-table index 22
service-port 9 vlan 111 gpon 0/1/0 ont 3 gemport 4 multi-service user-vlan 111 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 24 outbound traffic-table index 24

XGPON-AGGREGATOR#display mac-address vlan 3801
  It will take some time, please wait...
       -     -  eth  0000-5e00-0107 dynamic  0 /9 /0   -    -        3801
      16     -  gpon 78d7-5274-77af dynamic  0 /1 /0   1    3        3801
  Total: 2

XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#display ont info by-sn 485754437477AD28
  F/S/P                   : 0/1/0
  ONT-ID                  : 1
  Control flag            : active
  Run state               : online
  Config state            : normal
  Match state             : match
  DBA type                : SR
  ONT distance(m)         : 7205
  ONT battery state       : not support
  Memory occupation       : 54%
  CPU occupation          : 1%
  Temperature             : 85(C)
  Authentic type          : SN-auth
  SN                      : 485754437477AD28 (HWTC-7477AD28)
  Management mode         : OMCI
  Software work mode      : normal
  Isolation state         : normal
  ONT IP 0 address/mask   :
  Description             : ONT1-
  Last down cause         : LOS
  Last up time            : 2014-08-31 10:52:34+08:00
  Last down time          : 2014-08-31 10:50:46+08:00
  Last dying gasp time    : 2014-08-29 22:47:50+08:00
  ONT online duration     : 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 3 minute(s), 10 second(s) 
  Type C support          : Not support
  Interoperability-mode   : ITU-T

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Configurasi Gpon Huawei

XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#display board 0
  SlotID  BoardName  Status          SubType0 SubType1    Online/Offline
  1       H802GPFD   Normal                           
  2       H802GPFD   Normal                           
  3       H802GPFD   Normal                           
  4       H802GPFD   Normal                           
  5       H802GPFD   Normal                           
  6       H802GPFD   Normal                           
  7       H802GPFD   Normal                           
  8       H802OPGD   Normal                           
  9       H801SCUH   Active_normal                    
  10      H801SCUH   Standby_normal                   
  21      H801PRTE   Normal                           
  22      H801PRTE   Normal                           

Keterangan : Hanya modul H802GPFD yg dipakai utk FTTH ont.
             modul H802GPFD ada di slot 1 s/d 7.
             1 modul ada 16 port / GPON04-KG ( mulai dari 0 s/d 15 )
             1 port max 128 regiter ( mulai dari register 0 s/d 127 ).

XGPON0-AGGREGATOR(config)#display current-configuration section gp
{ || }:

          display current-configuration section gp 
[MA5600V800R013: 3910]
 interface gpon 0/1
 port 0 ont-auto-find enable
 port 1 ont-auto-find enable
 port 2 ont-auto-find enable
 port 3 ont-auto-find enable
 port 4 ont-auto-find enable
 port 5 ont-auto-find enable
 port 6 ont-auto-find enable
 port 7 ont-auto-find enable
 ont add 0 1 sn-auth "485754437477AD28" omci ont-lineprofile-id 6 
ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc "ONT1-BISPARK-HILHAM" 
 ont add 0 2 sn-auth "4857544374764428" omci ont-lineprofile-id 7 
ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc "ONT2-BISPARK-HILHAM" 
 ont add 7 0 sn-auth "4857544374735828" omci ont-lineprofile-id 3 
ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc "ONT1-BISPARK-BLOK57" 
 ont add 7 1 sn-auth "4857544374736E28" omci ont-lineprofile-id 4 
ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc "ONT2-BISPARK-BLOK57" 
 ont add 7 2 sn-auth "4857544374738428" omci ont-lineprofile-id 5 
ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc "ONT3-BISPARK-BLOK57" 
 interface gpon 0/2
 port 0 ont-auto-find enable
 port 1 ont-auto-find enable
 ont add 0 0 sn-auth "48575443F64D9226" omci ont-lineprofile-id 8000 
ont-srvprofile-id 8100 desc "ONT_XGPON_ATP_TEST" 
 ont port native-vlan 0 0 eth 4 vlan 111 priority 0 
 interface gpon 0/3
 port 0 ont-auto-find enable
 port 1 ont-auto-find enable
 interface gpon 0/4
 port 0 ont-auto-find enable

Keterangan :
- utk modul 2 s/d 15, semua port ( ada 16 port ) belum di enablekan.


XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#interface gpon 0/2
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/2)#port 2 ont-auto-find enable 
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/2)#port 3 ont-auto-find enable
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/2)#port 4 ont-auto-find enable
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/2)#port 5 ont-auto-find enable
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/2)#port 6 ont-auto-find enable
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/2)#port 7 ont-auto-find enable
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#interface gpon 0/3
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/3)#port 2 ont-auto-find enable 
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/3)#port 3 ont-auto-find enable
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/3)#port 4 ont-auto-find enable
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/3)#port 5 ont-auto-find enable
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/3)#port 6 ont-auto-find enable
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/3)#port 7 ont-auto-find enable
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#interface gpon 0/7
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/7)#port 0 ont-auto-find enable 
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/7)#port 1 ont-auto-find enable
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/7)#port 2 ont-auto-find enable
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/7)#port 3 ont-auto-find enable
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/7)#port 4 ont-auto-find enable
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/7)#port 5 ont-auto-find enable
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/7)#port 6 ont-auto-find enable
XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config-if-gpon-0/7)#port 7 ont-auto-find enable
-- Lanjutkan s/d modul ke 15


XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#display current-configuration section gp

{ || }:

          display current-configuration section gp 
[MA5600V800R013: 3910]
 interface gpon 0/1
 port 0 ont-auto-find enable
 port 1 ont-auto-find enable
 port 2 ont-auto-find enable
 port 3 ont-auto-find enable
 port 4 ont-auto-find enable
 port 5 ont-auto-find enable
 port 6 ont-auto-find enable
 port 7 ont-auto-find enable
 ont add 0 1 sn-auth "485754437477AD28" omci ont-lineprofile-id 6 
ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc "ONT1-BISPARK-HILHAM" 
 ont add 0 2 sn-auth "4857544374764428" omci ont-lineprofile-id 7 
ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc "ONT2-BISPARK-HILHAM" 
 ont add 7 0 sn-auth "4857544374735828" omci ont-lineprofile-id 3 
ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc "ONT1-BISPARK-BLOK57" 
 ont add 7 1 sn-auth "4857544374736E28" omci ont-lineprofile-id 4 
ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc "ONT2-BISPARK-BLOK57" 
 ont add 7 2 sn-auth "4857544374738428" omci ont-lineprofile-id 5 
ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc "ONT3-BISPARK-BLOK57" 
 interface gpon 0/2
 port 0 ont-auto-find enable
 port 1 ont-auto-find enable
 port 2 ont-auto-find enable
 port 3 ont-auto-find enable
 port 4 ont-auto-find enable
 port 5 ont-auto-find enable
 port 6 ont-auto-find enable
 port 7 ont-auto-find enable
 ont add 0 0 sn-auth "48575443F64D9226" omci ont-lineprofile-id 8000 
ont-srvprofile-id 8100 desc "ONT_XGPON_ATP_TEST" 
 ont port native-vlan 0 0 eth 4 vlan 111 priority 0 
 interface gpon 0/3
 port 0 ont-auto-find enable
 port 1 ont-auto-find enable
 port 2 ont-auto-find enable
 port 3 ont-auto-find enable
 port 4 ont-auto-find enable
 port 5 ont-auto-find enable
 port 6 ont-auto-find enable
 port 7 ont-auto-find enable


XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#display dba-profile all
  Profile-ID   type   Bandwidth      Fix        Assure        Max        Bind
                     compensation    (kbps)     (kbps)        (kbps)     times
           0      3           No          0       8192         20480         1
           1      1           No       5120          0             0         9
           2      1           No       1024          0             0         1
           3      4           No          0          0         32768         0
           4      1           No    1024000          0             0         0
           5      1           No      32768          0             0         0
           6      1           No     102400          0             0         0
           7      2           No          0      32768             0         0
           8      2           No          0     102400             0         0
           9      3           No          0      32768         65536         0
          10      4           No          0          0         51264         0
          11      1           No       8128          0             0         0
          12      1           No       1024          0             0         0
          13      2           No          0     102400             0         0
          14      2           No          0        128             0         0
         103      1           No        384          0             0         0
         104      1           No        448          0             0         0
         105      1           No        512          0             0         0
         106      1           No        576          0             0         0
         107      1           No        640          0             0         0
         108      1           No        704          0             0         0
         109      1           No        768          0             0         0
         110      1           No        832          0             0         0
         111      1           No        896          0             0         0
         112      1           No        960          0             0         0
         113      1           No       1024          0             0         6
         114      3           No          0        384           576         0
         115      3           No          0        448           640         0
         116      3           No          0        512           768         0
         117      3           No          0        576           832         0
         118      3           No          0        640           960         0
         119      3           No          0        704          1024         0
         120      3           No          0        768          1024         1
         121      3           No          0        832          1536         0
         122      3           No          0        896          1536         0
         123      3           No          0        960          1536         0
         124      3           No          0       1024          1536         1
         125      3           No          0       2048          3072         5
         126      3           No          0       3072          4608         0
         127      3           No          0       4096          6144         0
         128      3           No          0       5120          7680         0
         129      3           No          0       6144          9216         0
         130      3           No          0       7168         10752         6
         131      3           No          0       8192         12288         0
         133      3           No          0      10240         15360         0
         135      3           No          0      30720         46080         0
         137      3           No          0      51200         76800         0
         139      3           No          0      71680        107520         0
         140      3           No          0      81920        122880         1
         141      3           No          0      92160        138240         0
         142      3           No          0     102400        153600         1

XGPON-AGGREGATOR(config)#display current-configuration section gl

{ || }:
          display current-configuration section gl 
[MA5600V800R013: 3910]
 dba-profile add profile-id 10 profile-name "SPEEDY" type4 max 51264  dba-profile add profile-id 11 profile-name "USEE" type1 fix 8128 bandwidth_compensate no
 dba-profile add profile-id 12 profile-name "VOICE" type1 fix 1024 bandwidth_compensate no
 dba-profile add profile-id 13 profile-name "SPEEDY_GOLD" type2 assure 102400
 dba-profile add profile-id 14 profile-name "SPEEDY_REGULER" type2 assure 128
 dba-profile add profile-id 103 profile-name "UP__type1__384K" type1 fix 384 bandwidth_compensate no
 dba-profile add profile-id 104 profile-name "UP__type1__448K" type1 fix 448 bandwidth_compensate no
 dba-profile add profile-id 105 profile-name "UP__type1__512K" type1 fix 512 bandwidth_compensate no
 dba-profile add profile-id 106 profile-name "UP__type1__576K" type1 fix 576 bandwidth_compensate no
 dba-profile add profile-id 107 profile-name "UP__type1__640K" type1 fix 640 bandwidth_compensate no
 dba-profile add profile-id 108 profile-name "UP__type1__704K" type1 fix 704 bandwidth_compensate no
 dba-profile add profile-id 109 profile-name "UP__type1__768K" type1 fix 768 bandwidth_compensate no
 dba-profile add profile-id 110 profile-name "UP__type1__832K" type1 fix 832 bandwidth_compensate no
 dba-profile add profile-id 111 profile-name "UP__type1__896K" type1 fix 896 bandwidth_compensate no
 dba-profile add profile-id 112 profile-name "UP__type1__960K" type1 fix 960 bandwidth_compensate no
 dba-profile add profile-id 113 profile-name "UP__type1__1024M" type1 fix 1024  bandwidth_compensate no
 dba-profile add profile-id 114 profile-name "UP__type3__384K_576K" type3 assure 384 max 576                         
 dba-profile add profile-id 115 profile-name "UP__type3__448K_672K" type3 assure 448 max 640
 dba-profile add profile-id 116 profile-name "UP__type3__512K_768K" type3 assure 512 max 768
 dba-profile add profile-id 117 profile-name "UP__type3__576K_864K" type3 assure 576 max 832
 dba-profile add profile-id 118 profile-name "UP__type3__640K_960K" type3 assure 640 max 960
 dba-profile add profile-id 119 profile-name "UP__type3__704K_1M" type3 assure  704 max 1024
 dba-profile add profile-id 120 profile-name "UP__type3__768K_1M" type3 assure  768 max 1024
 dba-profile add profile-id 121 profile-name "UP__type3__832K_1.5M" type3 assure 832 max 1536
 dba-profile add profile-id 122 profile-name "UP__type3__896K_1.5M" type3 assure 896 max 1536
 dba-profile add profile-id 123 profile-name "UP__type3__960K_1.5M" type3 assure 960 max 1536
 dba-profile add profile-id 124 profile-name "UP__type3__1M_1.5M" type3 assure  1024 max 1536
 dba-profile add profile-id 125 profile-name "UP__type3__2M_3M" type3 assure 2048 max 3072
 dba-profile add profile-id 126 profile-name "UP__type3__3M_4.5M" type3 assure 3072 max 4608                        
 dba-profile add profile-id 127 profile-name "UP__type3__4M_6M" type3 assure 4096 max 6144
 dba-profile add profile-id 128 profile-name "UP__type3__5M_7.5M" type3 assure  5120 max 7680
 dba-profile add profile-id 129 profile-name "UP__type3__6M_9M" type3 assure 6144 max 9216
 dba-profile add profile-id 130 profile-name "UP__type3__7M_10.5M" type3 assure 7168 max 10752
 dba-profile add profile-id 131 profile-name "UP__type3__8M_12M" type3 assure 8192 max 12288
 dba-profile add profile-id 133 profile-name "UP__type3__10M_15M" type3 assure  10240 max 15360
 dba-profile add profile-id 135 profile-name "UP__type3__30M_45M" type3 assure  30720 max 46080
 dba-profile add profile-id 137 profile-name "UP__type3__50M_75M" type3 assure  51200 max 76800
 dba-profile add profile-id 139 profile-name "UP__type3__70M_105M" type3 assure 71680 max 107520
 dba-profile add profile-id 140 profile-name "UP__type3__80M_120M" type3 assure 81920 max 122880
 dba-profile add profile-id 141 profile-name "UP__type3__90M_135M" type3 assure 92160 max 138240
 dba-profile add profile-id 142 profile-name "UP__type3__100M_150M" type3 assure 102400 max 153600  

Configurasi Gpon Huawei Part II

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Setting ONT 821 Untuk Astinet

Cek dan Create IP Management
GPON00-D2-CKK(config)#show ip interface brief
interface IP-Address Mask AdminStatus PhyStatus Protocol
vlan3 up up up
vlan64 up up up
vlan172 up up up
vlan182 up up up
GPON00-D2-CKK(config)#show vlan 183
vlanid :183
name :VLAN0183
description :N/A


Creat Vlan 185

GPON00-D2-CKK#vlan 185

GPON00-D2-CKK(config)#show vlan 185
vlanid :185
name :VLAN0185
description :N/A


GPON00-D2-CKK(config)#int vlan 185
GPON00-D2-CKK(config-if)#ip address ?
A.B.C.D IP subnet mask
GPON00-D2-CKK(config-if)#ip address
GPON00-D2-CKK(config)#int gpon-onu_0/1/1:2
GPON00-D2-CKK(config-if)#show run int gpon-onu_0/1/1:2
Building configuration...
interface gpon-onu_0/1/1:2
name ONU-1:2
description ONU-1:2
vport-mode gemport def-map-type 1:1
tcont 1 name Datin allocid 257 profile UP-10M
tcont 1 gap mode2
gemport 1 name IND-WIFI portid 130 unicast tcont 1 dir both queue 1
gemport 1 traffic-limit upstream default downstream DOWN-10M
switchport mode hybrid vport 1
switchport vlan 3714 tag vport 1
GPON00-D2-CKK(config-if)#switchport vlan 185 tag vport 1
GPON00-D2-CKK(config)#show onu r c gpon-onu_0/1/1:2
pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/1/1:2
flow mode 1 tag-filter vid-filter untag-filter discard
flow 1 priority 0 vid 3714
gemport 1 flow 1
GPON00-D2-CKK(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/1/1:2
GPON00-D2-CKK(gpon-onu-mng)#flow 1 priority 0 vid 185
GPON00-D2-CKK(gpon-onu-mng)#switchport-bind switch_0/1 iphost 1
GPON00-D2-CKK(gpon-onu-mng)#$-mode iphost 1 tag-filter vid-filter untag-filter 

GPON00-D2-CKK(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter iphost 1 priority 0 vid 185
GPON00-D2-CKK(gpon-onu-mng)#ip-host 1 ip mask gateway
sending 5,100-byte ICMP echos to,timeout is 2 seconds.
Success rate is 0 percent(1/0),round-trip min/avg/max= 0/0/0 ms.
Telnet ke IP Management
Trying ...Open

Attention: Telnet Escape character is ctrl+']'

# #
# Welcome to ZTE F821 #
# #
# Press Return to get started #
# #
# Copyright 2005-2015 , ZTE Co.,Ltd. #
# #

Please input password:


ZXAN# configure

ZXAN(config)# vlan 3714

ZXAN(config-vlan)# name "Astinet"

ZXAN(config-vlan)# exit

ZXAN(config)# exit

ZXAN# show run
configure vlan database
vlan 2-4087,4089-4093
configure vlan 3714
name "Astinet"
configure vlan 1
addport fei_0/2/1 untag
addport gei_0/5/1 untag
configure vlan 185
addport gei_0/5/1 tag
nvram boot-ftptype FTP
configure interface inband-vlan 185
ip address name "OMCISubnet"
ip route name "OMCIROUTE"
ZXAN# configure

ZXAN(config)# show run int fei_0/2/1
configure interface fei_0/2/1
switchport vlan 1 untag
qos trust cos

ZXAN(config)# int fei_0/2/1

ZXAN(config-if)# no switchport vlan 1

ZXAN(config-if)# no switchport vlan 1

ZXAN(config-if)# switchport vlan 3714 untag

ZXAN(config-if)# switchport default vlan 3714

ZXAN(config-if)# exit

ZXAN(config)# show mac vid 3714
5/1 10-F3-11-04-88-CF 3714 dynamic


ZXAN(config)# show int fei_0/2/1

Interface : 2/1

PVID AcceptFrames SvlanMode TLS CVID
1 admitall disable enable 1

AdminStatus : enable
TrapControl : disable
LinkStatus : down
IngressFilter : discard
MaxMacLearn : unlimited
FlowControl : force-enable
FlowControlActual : force-enable
SpeedSet : auto
SpeedActual : auto
DuplexSet : auto
DuplexActual : auto
BroadcastRateLimit : 100kbps
UnknowncastRateLimit : 100kbps
MulticastRateLimit : 100kbps
DHCPv6 Enable : disable
DHCP Option82 : disable
ZXAN(config)# exit

ZXAN(config)# hostname DUNKIN-DONUT

DUNKIN-DONUT(config)# exit


DUNKIN-DONUT(config-if)# switchport default vlan 3714

DUNKIN-DONUT(config-if)# exit

DUNKIN-DONUT(config)# interface gei_0/5/1

DUNKIN-DONUT(config-if)# show run int gei_0/51
Error: Invalid parameter

DUNKIN-DONUT(config-if)# show run int gei_0/5/1
configure interface gei_0/5/1
switchport vlan 185 tag
switchport vlan 1 untag
flowcontrol disable

DUNKIN-DONUT(config-if)# no switchport vlan 1 un
Error: Invalid parameter

DUNKIN-DONUT(config-if)# no switchport vlan 1

DUNKIN-DONUT(config-if)# switchport vlan 3714 tag

DUNKIN-DONUT(config-if)# exit

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